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Cheese: Red Cat

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Description: A mild washed-rind cheese that is assertive and rich with a velvety texture. This cheese has been cave-aged for at least 60 days. 

Storage: Rewrap every few days. Make sure you keep the cheese protected from the refrigerator air.

Birchrun Hills Farm

Birchrun Hills Farm is a small family dairy farm with an on-site creamery in northern Chester County, Pennsylvania. Owned and operated by Ken and Sue Miller and their two sons, Randy and Jesse, the Millers control every step of how their products are made. From sustainably growing crops to feed their herd of 80 holstein cows and producing high-quality milk. To making cheese and aging cheeses in their underground aging-facility. Their family has been making cheese since 2006 to secure a sustainable future for our dairy farm. They continue to pour a lot of love into every wheel of cheese they make, starting with the terroir and carrying through to the aging room! Seasonal and fresh cheese are available all year.

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