Yolélé Foods
Ingredients that are lively and dynamic. Unique spices, grains, fruits and vegetables that are sustainably grown. Meals that nourish not only our stomachs, but our souls.
The cultures that make up the West African region, each with their own distinctive culinary traditions, offer a diversely delicious collection of natural, flavorful, good-for-you foods like no other place on earth. However, these foods are not always easy to find in any other place on earth. When Senegalese chef Pierre Thiam came to New York, he started cooking these foods for himself, his friends and his coworkers—pairing each dish with stories as rich and vibrant as the meals themselves. Pierre wanted to share even more stories, more flavors and more traditions with even more people, bringing the West African warmth, hospitality and food-centered celebrations to households everywhere—and that’s exactly what Yolélé is all about.