Matriark Foods
Matriark was founded by colleagues who became friends and then business partners devoted to changing the food system for the benefit of people and the environment. Matriark Foods is a social impact business— inspired by the thousands of children Anna has worked with (including her 3 children and 3 grandchildren) — to scale access to healthy food for the benefit of people and the environment. All Matriark products are Upcycled Certified, meaning that they have an auditable supply chain that proves their positive environmental impact. The impact of their products can be clearly measured. Upcycling is about doing more with less, and elevating all food to its highest and best use. Upcycled foods save energy and nutrition from going to waste. They keep the energy, the water, the land and the labor used to grow food — fully in the food system — for the benefit of the environment and people.