470 Baking Co.
Born in San Francisco and raised in Philadelphia, 470 Baking Company makes sourdough goods and is home to Melissa’s Sourdough Crisps. They are all natural, vegan, endlessly crave-able and shatteringly crispy. When Melissa moved to 470 2nd Avenue in San Francisco. New to the city and with time on her hands, Melissa turned to one of the activities she loved best, baking, this time, sourdough bread. Making sourdough bread from scratch requires a sourdough starter, which is the natural raising agent for sourdough bread that gives it the distinct sour flavor and is made from just flour and water. CUT TO 2020, Melissa is quarantined in her studio apartment and baking a lot of sourdough bread. When baking sourdough, you feed and discard the excess sourdough starter, creating a lot of waste, so Melissa decided to do something about it. She tried tons of recipes and then made a sourdough cracker that she couldn’t stop snacking on. Now in Philadelphia, Melissa is making sourdough crisps in a new city she calls home!